Monday, April 1, 2013

I didn't sleep well last night. It's so scary. I comfort myself when I start to think too much by knowing that this is my most wonderful adventure ever. Even if we fail miserably and run back to Da 'Burgh with our tails between our legs, we will have lived things that we would otherwise have not. I really believe we will do just fine. I'm not thinking when we leave Belize we will have accumulated a million bucks or anything. I just believe that we will be able to integrate into this country and thrive here.

The pic above is what I did when I couldn't sleep...I was up at 4:30am and there was no point in laying in the bed. I got up, made coffee, and went outside to enjoy it. The pic above is what I see when I stand in front of my house and look to the right when the morning is about to break. About 5:30 the neighborhood started to awaken. The ladies were raking the dirt yards, and greeting their various animals. I got to meet the lady in the wooden shack behind me. She was very kind and neither one of us understood one word the other one said. I am ordering Rosetta Stone TODAY!

Neighbor chicken Mama and Chicks....

The official language of Belize is English. I have not had too much difficulty making myself understood. I do, however, remember all the times some poor immigrant in the USA was told, "If you want to live here, at least learn the language." (I'm so glad I never said that.) But along those lines...If I want to assimilate and be a member of this community's culture...shouldn't I learn the language? I had hoped my high school Osmosis Learning would kick in, and I would know Spanish without even trying. It is not. I will have to break down and pay the bucks for the 'puter tutor.


  1. Hi Melanie...

    Just finished reading your blogs and all I can say is...WOW!! How absolutely fascinating all this is!! It give those of us back home an opportunity to see a new culture thru your eyes. I wish you the best in your adventures and will definitely be staying tuned in for more! Please...take care!

    Charlene David

    1. Thank you so much Charlene! If you ever have anything specific you want to know more about, like what do Belizeans drive, feel free to ask and I will blog on demand for you! Also....Please send your friends to read the blog! MWAH!
