Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I wish I could tell you....

I guess if I'm going to blog, I have to be able to use words to tell you all what I am experiencing. I have to find the words to describe how the screetching birds, the neighbor's reggae, the primary school children's recitations, vehicles bumping down the street, the fella' with the "CORN Fritta's" and the roar of my fan blend together to form the new soundtrack of my life. I have to explain that every evening around sundown the street smells begin anew and the ladies with the meat pies, and the tacos, waft their wares alongside the brush fire someone started to keep the mosquitoes at bay...the odd odor of the Chinese incense thingies, 10 for a dollar, to keep the insects away. But what words would say? The decadent view of the turquoise Sea, dessert for ones eyes. The sour sop sweetness, actual dessert for ones palate. The beautiful colors of flesh, fair Spanish girl children, rich almost red Mayan men leathered from the sun, deep beautiful Guarifina ladies carrying packs atop their heads. I just don't have the words for it all! I'm just too small! This place is a ball!
Nothing blue is like this! What word do you assign God's beauty?

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